Walk Cycle Completed!
So from feedback that I received on the previous Wednesday (July 11th), I ended up finishing my walk cycle on Wednesday. I learned quite a bit on this project, and had to deal with some pretty big issues along the way, but it felt great bring a character to life on screen even if its just them simply walking. But all and all it was great to get my feet wet again and get feedback from a class. But here's the highlights of what I took away.
The Good: This was the first project I got to really use my cintiq, and I have to say it really speeds up and adds a whole new dynamic of seamless workflow on top of what I use to do. Now that I got my feet wet using the tablet, I be even more ready come the next project.
The Bad: The one bad practice that I did was I didn't polish or think of the polish to much when finalizing my animation. For example, the arcs of the wrists are spaced evenly instead of moving faster as the arm moves either backward or forwards. If I want to become a better animator moving forward, I have to take the time to add in these subtle details. Next assignment, I'm going to definitely work on mastering these techniques.
The Ugly: The one terrible and I mean terrible thing that I did on this project was that I restarted the block out after I turned it in on the previous week. This made me basically do whole assignment in one week effectively causing a crunch. What I took away from this was that the block out is really where your able to make big overall changes to the animation. If I had just tweaked my previous block out rather than restarted the assignment, I believe that I have been in a much stronger position going forward